Written by: iPay
In the month of March iPay Africa is celebrating equality for women. We celebrate Agnes Mutua, an experienced manager in the transport industry, who founded Mechanic on Call.
Posted on March 16, 2020
Celebrating Women-led Businesses in Kenya
By: iPay
In the month of March iPay Africa is celebrating equality for women. We celebrate Agnes Mutua, an experienced manager in the transport industry, who founded Mechanic on Call. This is a platform that provides car repair and maintenance services to stranded drivers by matching them with credible and trustworthy mechanics at an affordable price.
Founded in 2018, Mechanic on call has been able to provide quality services to clients and generate credibility to the mechanics under its network.
1. What problem are you solving through your business?
Stranded drivers – In the event that a driver gets stranded on the road, we can provide them with fast, affordable and authentic mechanical services from our qualified mechanics. We also conduct follow-ups to check on the client based on the services offered.
Affordable tow services – With the availability of the Mechanic on Call App, one can locate towing services that are closest to their location. This service is now providing an affordable alternative to the police appointed tow trucks.
Unemployment – We also give mechanics an opportunity to offer their services to our clients.
2. What support do you need to grow your business?
Mechanic on Call would do much better if we had an increase in awareness of the services we offer and provide ease of access to an authentic mechanics service.
3. What opportunities are you creating for other women through your business?
In an industry that is male-dominated, we have a portfolio of women who are mechanics who have successfully offered their skills to our clients. We also register all our vetted mechanics for free and we encourage the female mechanics to register.
4. How has automation improved how you do business?
Mechanic on Call runs digitally through our App. We have automated a lot of our processes. We have integrated iPay’s Payment solutions to allow clients to pay their bills easily. With this solution, we can account for all transactions through real-time notifications by iPay. This has made it possible for us to focus on other areas of the business.
In recognition of international women’s day celebrated on 8th March 2020 themed #Each for Equal theme, iPay Africa celebrates Agnes Mutua for her courage and innovativeness
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